Get a Video Crystal for all your special events

  • Event info

    Gives you  a basic description of the app you are attaching to your device.

  • Video Player

    Upload a video of your special event. Now you don't have to walk around with DVDs to share your special occasion

  • Feature Photos

    Choose your own featured photos to use as home screen image and Video Crystal icons 

  • Add a Photo Gallery

    No more walking around with bulky photo albums. Add a digital photo album to your Video Crystal.

  • Easy Sharing

    Just tap the share button to share your private app to your friends and family.

  • Menu Positions

    Choose from two different menu layouts for your app. Vertical (left side) or Bottom 


Transfer services

Video Crystal Home is your one stop shop for your video and file transfer needs.

  • VHS -> Video Crystal

    Send in your VHS tape and get your very own Video Crystal (VC).

  • SD Card -> VC

    Send in your SD Card and get your very own Video Crystal (VC).

  • VHS -> USB

    Send in your VHS and transfer it to a USB drive.

  • VHS -> SD Card

    Send in your VHS and transfer it to a SD Card.

  • VHS -> DVD

    Send in your VHS footage and transfer it to a DVD.

  • SD Card -> DVD

    Send in your SD Card and transfer it to a DVD.

  • PC / Mac -> DVD

    Upload your videos and photos from your computer and create a DVD.

  • PC / Mac -> USB

    Like any self improving process, everything starts with setting your goals and comiting

  • PC / Mac -> VC

    Convert your videos into a Video Crystal (VC) mobile app by uploading your files.

  • PC / Mac -> DPA

    Transfer your photos from your computer and make Digital Photo Album. (DPA)

Fast Service

All transfers are completed within 5 to 7 business days.


What's a Video Crystal

A Video Crystal is a personal mobile app that is installed on your device via a private link. You upload your videos and photos to our server and we create a Video Crystal for you. It's very affordable compared to a business app.

Get Started

Digital Photo Album

Don't need video, no problem. Upload all your photos and we will create a Digital Photo Album app for you. Easily share your photo albums with close friends and family on your mobile device.

  • Lots of pics! Upload up to 1000 photos
  • Featured Photos: Upload up to 15 of your best pics.
  • Small Footprint: App size is very small
Get Started

App Screenshots


Apps designed by Pros

We specialize in developing high quality mobile apps which help people do amazing things using their smartphones on all platforms, anywhere in the world


A dedicated designer will be assigned to your project to make sure we're both on the same page.



Due to the apps small file size, you can have as many video crystals on your device as you wish.



With Video Crystals you will save on money and clutter. A basic Video Crystal starts at $30.


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Made with FlowTrack