Digital Transfer Services

Transfer Service Fees

Video Crystal Home is your one stop shop for your video and file transfer needs.

  • VHS -> Video Crystal

    Send in your VHS tape and get your very own Video Crystal (VC).


  • SD Card -> VC

    Send in your SD Card and get your very own Video Crystal (VC).


  • VHS -> USB

    Send in your VHS and transfer it to a USB drive.


  • VHS -> SD Card

    Send in your VHS and transfer it to a SD Card.


  • VHS -> DVD

    Send in your VHS footage and transfer it to a DVD.


  • SD Card -> DVD

    Send in your SD Card and transfer it to a DVD.


  • PC / Mac -> DVD

    Upload your videos and photos from your computer and create a DVD.


  • PC / Mac -> USB

    Like any self improving process, everything starts with setting your goals and comiting


  • PC / Mac -> VC

    Convert your videos into a Video Crystal (VC) mobile app by uploading your files.


  • PC / Mac -> DPA

    Transfer your photos from your computer and make Digital Photo Album. (DPA)


Fast Service

All transfers are completed within 5 to 7 business days.

File Hosting Service

Services billed annually.
$47 per Year
$88 for 2 Years
$119 for 3 Years

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